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Anatomy of Pancreas | What is pancreas | MedicalWorld

anatomy of pancreas , location of pancreas in human body, blood supply for pancreas, nerve supply to pancreas

What is Pancreas? 

Anatomy of Pancreas

The pancreas is a soft finely lobulated, elongated exo-endocrine gland . The exocrine part secretes the pancreatic juice and the endocrine part secretes the hormones, viz., insulin etc.

The pancreas is presumably so named because of its fleshy appearance. The pancreatic juice helps in the digestion of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins whereas the pancreatic hormones maintain glucose homeostasis.

Location of Pancreas in Human Body

The pancreas lies more or less horizontally on the posterior abdominal wall in the epigastric and left hypochondriac regions. 

Size and  Shape 

The pancreas is J shaped being set obliquely. The bowl of retort represents its head and the stem of retort represents its neck , body and tail. Its measurement are: 


Length ; 12-15 cm 

Width ; 3-4 cm 

Thickness ; 1.5-2 cm 

Weight ; 80-90 g 

Parts of Pancreas

Parts and relation 

The pancreas is divided into four parts- 

1- Head 

2- Neck 

3- Body 

4- Tail 

Head of the pancreas 

It is the enlarged, disc-shaped right end of the pancreas, which lies in the concavity of the C-shaped duodenal loop in front of the L2 vertebra. 

External features 

The head presents the following external features- 

Three borders- Superior, inferior and right lateral 

Two surfaces - Anterior and posterior 

One process- Uncinate process

Relations of the Head of Pancreas


Superior border is related to: 

a) First part of the duodenum 

b) Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery 

Inferior border is related to :

a) Third part of the duodenum 

b) Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery 

Right lateral border is related to 

a) Second part of the duodenum 

b) Anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal arterial arcades 

Anterior surface is related from above downward to: 

a) Gastroduodenal artery 

b) Transverse colon 

c) Root of the transverse mesocolon 

d) Jejunum 

Posterior surface is related to:

a) IVC

b) Left renal vein 

c) Bile duct 

d) Right crus of diaphragm 

Uncinate process is related to: 

a) Anteriorly to superior mesenteric vessels 

b) Posteriorly to the abdominal aorta 

Neck of the pancreas 

It is slightly constricted part of the gland which connects the head with the body. It is about 2.5 cm long and is directed forward, upward and to the left.

External features -

It presents the following external features: 

Two surfaces - Anterior and posterior 

Two borders -  Upper and lower 


a) Anterior surface is related to pylorus 

b) Posterior surface is related to commencement of the portal vein 

c) Upper border is related to the first part of the duodenum 

d) Lower border is related to the root if the transverse  

Body of the pancreas 

It is elongated part of the gland extending from its neck to the tail . It passes toward the left of midline with a slight upward and backward inclination. It lies in front of the vertebral column at or just below the transpyloric plane. 

External features 

It is somewhat triangular in cross section and presents: 

1- Three borders - Anterior , superior and inferior 

2- Three surfaces - Anterior , posterior and inferior 

3-  One process -  omentum

 Relations of Body of Pancreas

a) Anterior border provides the attachment to the root of the transverse mesocolon 

b) Superior border is related to the coeliac artery above the tuber omentale , hepatic artery to the right , and splenic artery to the left of tuber omentale.

c) Inferior border is related to superior to superior mesenteric vessels.

d) Anterior surface is related to lesser sac and stomach.

e) Posterior surface is related to aorta and origin of the superior mesenteric artery , left kidney and left suprarenal glands 

f) Inferior surface is related to duodenojejunal flexure, coils of jejunum and left colic flexure.

Tails of the pancreas 

It is the narrow left extremity of the pancreas, it lies in the lienorenal ligament along with splenic vessels and it is mobile unlike the other major retroperitoneal parts of the gland. It contains the largest number of langerhans islets unit of tissue as compared to other parts of the gland. 

Relations of Tail of Pancreas

These are related to the visceral surface of spleen between gastric impression and colic impression.


The pancreas develops from two separate buds: the ventral pancreatic bud and the dorsal pancreatic bud.

Blood Supply for Pancreas

Arterial supply 

The pancreas is a high vascular structure and supplied by the following arteries -

1- Splenic artery, a branch of coeliac trunk 

2- Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery 

3- Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery 

Venous drainage 

The veins of the pancreas drain into 

A) superior mesenteric vein 

B). Splenic vein 

Nerve Supply to Pancreas

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres reach the gland along its arteries from coeliac and superior mesenteric plexuses. The sympathetic supply is vasomotor whereas the parasympathetic supply controls the pancreatic secretion.

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